Leanimals visit to Pre-school
Once again Hope Pre-school children were treated to a visit by Leanne and her animals. The children were able to meet and get very close to Amber the corn snake, Alba the barn owl, Winnie the skinny pig and a host of other animal friends, including a rabbit, a gecko, a guinea pig and a giant african land snail! Due to fund raising very generously organised at Grasshopper Cafe in Hope (thanks again Mel and Graham) the children are learning about their world in the best way possible: first hand experiences. What better way to experience the awe and wonder to be found in observing real animals.
How many children can you fit on a bench?
[caption id="attachment_1370" align="alignleft" width="300"] Seven of this size![/caption]
Melting Moments!
This week on baking day the children helped to make delicious Melting Moments. See below for the recipe for you to make at home. Melting Moments (Oven 180 C/160 C fan. Makes 30-40, half ingredients if required) Ingredients: 200g butter 150g sugar 1 egg 2 tsp vanilla extract 250g self-raising flour ½ tsp baking powder Porridge oats/desiccated coconut Jam Method: Line or grease baking trays Cream butter and sugar together. Beat in egg and vanilla. Mix in flour and baking powder. Add more flour if very sticky. Roll small balls of dough in the oats/coconut. Place spaced out on baking tray. Make a small dip in the centre of each one and add a little jam. Bake for approximately 20 minutes until golden at the edges. Leave on tray to…
Outdoor Learning is Great!
Over the past half term the children have been enjoying many different outdoor learning opportunities. We find that they relish the different challenges the outdoors provides. Not only are they experiencing the changes in the seasons and weather but having that freedom to breathe in the fresh air and explore with all their senses! The weather we have seen since the Christmas holidays has been so varied. The children have explored with ribbons, wind socks and kites in the wind, scooped and jumped in puddles from the rain, felt the warmth of the sun on their faces and made footprints and snow balls in the snow. There have also been some extra challenges set for them! For example, building obstacle courses, helping to create a den, building a shelter for…
Feed the birds!
This morning at Forest Fun the children helped to make "bird cakes" to feed the birds. Fat was melted and seeds, oats and grated cheese were added and mixed together. Each child filled a pot with the mixture, pressing it down with their spoons. Next week we will hang the bird cakes up for the birds to eat. The children have enjoyed lots of bird activities this fortnight:- singing The North Wind Doth Blow, listening to the story of Mole and Baby Bird, talking about wild birds, looking at pictures of different birds, creating a model of a bird and thinking about how birds can fly.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
The children are busy learning Christmas songs for Christmas party day on Wednesday 20th December. We Wish You a Merry Christmas has had a few of the lyrics tweaked to become more accessible to the children. Please help them to learn the three verses below. We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year, Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin We wish a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Now bring us some Christmas pudding Now bring us some Christmas pudding Now bring us some Christmas pudding And bring some out here, Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.…
Christmas Songs
The children are learning some songs to sing on Christmas party day. If you'd like to help them practise, here are the words for Two Little Robins (same format as Two Little Dicky Birds!) Two Little Robins Two little robins sitting on a wall, One named Peter, one named Paul, Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul, Come back Peter, come back Paul. Two little penguins sitting on a sledge, One named Roxie, one named Reg, Slide away Roxie, slide away Reg, Come back Roxie, come back Reg. Two little polar bears playing in the snow, One named Marilyn, one named Mo, Roll away Marilyn, roll away Mo, Come back Marilyn, come back Mo.
Baking day!
[caption id="attachment_1322" align="alignleft" width="300"] Shaping the dough.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1324" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Adding the filling.[/caption] Tuesday is baking/food prep day. The children practise physical skills, learn new manipulative skills, taste different foods, count, measure, mix, shape and create. This term they have helped to make bread shapes, banana muffins, vegetable soup, Halloween ginger biscuits, filled sandwiches, cheese and apple scones and flavoured bread. Tomorrow they will build fruit skewers! [caption id="attachment_1327" align="alignright" width="300"] Spreading butter on the bread.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1326" align="alignright" width="300"] Grating the cheese.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1325" align="alignleft" width="300"] Kneading[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1323" align="alignright" width="300"] Making shapes[/caption]
Mobile Zoo Visit to Pre-school
[gallery ids="1313,1310,1309,1312,1307,1306,1305,1311,1304,1303,1301"] Last week the children were visited by Leanimals Mobile Zoo. What a wonderful way to learn about the natural world, with real life animal encounters in our setting! Leanne introduced each animal in turn and all of the children were able to touch/hold/stroke the animals, and even feed some of them. We met: Amber the corn snake, a particular favourite with all the children; Alba the barn owl who showed us her flapping wings, she was only a baby! Millie the giant millipede with the quivering legs; Queenie the little brown mouse; a crested gecko called Kiwi who climbed up several child arms; Flower the skunk, only a little bit smelly; Cookie the skinny pig who had no fur; Colin the guinea pig who was extremely fluffy and…