
Hope Pre-school’s Policies and Procedures are all up-dated regularly and are available for parents to view upon request, including: Child Protection and Safeguarding, Confidentiality, Key Person and Settling in, Admissions, Complaints, Promoting Positive Behaviour, Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality, SEND, Missing Child, Uncollected Child.

We have a Complaints procedure. If parents wish to contact ofsted at any time during a complaint procedure, contact details are:- phone 0300 123 4666.

Hope Preschool Holidays from September 2023 to July 2024

Holiday                     Close after session on:              Preschool re opens on:

Autumn                                                                      Monday 4th Sept 2023

Mid term                 Thurs 26th Oct                            Mon 6th Nov

Christmas               Wed 20th Dec                              Mon 8th Jan 2024

Mid term                 Fri 16th Feb                                Mon 26th Feb

Easter                     Thurs 28th March                        Mon 15th April

May Day                  Fri 3rd May                                 Tues 7th May

Mid term                 Fri 24th May                               Mon 3rd June

Summer                   Fri 19th July

N.B. INSET days have been included.

(27.10.2023, 21.12.2023, 22.12.2023, 22.07.2024 and 23.07.2024)


The Five Golden Rules

Some parents have shown an interest in our Pre-School GOLDEN RULES.

The rules we follow at Pre-School are simple and easy for all the children to understand:-

1. Listening ears

2. Quiet voices

3. Kind hands

4. Walking feet

5. Caring and sharing

We talk about these rules at Pre-School in a positive way, saying what we would like the children to do, rather than what we don’t want them to do. For example:
“Use your walking feet”, rather than “don’t run”.
“We need to have quiet voices”, rather than “stop shouting”.
By putting an emphasis on positive behaviour, we have found that this is generally what the children seek to emulate.


Safeguarding Information

Info and links.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused

Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board


Please consult with the manager/deputy for our procedures regarding administering medicines.


Clothes and Uniform

Hope Preschool uniform is optional. Sweatshirts and polo shirts with the preschool logo can be bought from Preschool.

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.  We aim to go outside every day, even when it is cold and rainy, so please ensure that they bring a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves in the less summery months.  During warmer weather please make sure your child comes to school with sunscreen applied and that they bring a sun hat.

If your child attends Forest Fun then please make sure they are wearing warm, waterproof clothes and suitable footwear (wellies or boots).

Please mark all your child’s clothing with their name!

Personal Care

We will change wet or soiled nappies for the younger children.  Please send a bag to pre-school with spare nappies, wipes and cream if used. If your child uses washable/reusable nappies then please also pack a nappy bag or empty plastic bag. Spare clothes should also be included.

Drop Off and Pick Up

We open the doors at 9:15 am when you can drop your child off.  We cannot accept children before this time since we are busy setting up for the day and due to our insurance cover.

Pickup is at 12:15 pm, or 3.15 pm on full days.  Please ensure that you arrive promptly since we need to be clearing away to vacate the hall.  If you are unavoidably delayed then please phone us.

Children should be picked up by one of their parents/main carers or another nominated adult.  Please tell the staff on the day who will be collecting your child if it’s someone other than their parent/main carer.  We operate a “password” system for people other than the main carers to collect your child.

Please respect these simple rules as it enables us to keep all the children safe and secure.


Parking is limited at Loxley Hall.  Please park carefully and respectfully taking care of children and parents crossing the road.  Don’t double park, park in front of the gates or park in the disabled parking space (unless you are a “Blue Badge” holder.)

On Fridays, please don’t park on the church car park as this is needed for people attending mobility

sessions at The Old School.