Last week the children were visited by Leanimals Mobile Zoo. What a wonderful way to learn about the natural world, with real life animal encounters in our setting! Leanne introduced each animal in turn and all of the children were able to touch/hold/stroke the animals, and even feed some of them.
We met: Amber the corn snake, a particular favourite with all the children; Alba the barn owl who showed us her flapping wings, she was only a baby! Millie the giant millipede with the quivering legs; Queenie the little brown mouse; a crested gecko called Kiwi who climbed up several child arms; Flower the skunk, only a little bit smelly; Cookie the skinny pig who had no fur; Colin the guinea pig who was extremely fluffy and Elvis the tortoise who loved chomping on carrots!
Leanne, the owner of the company, told the children some interesting facts about each animal and introduced relevant vocabulary, such as “reptile”, “omnivore”, “mammal”. The children had such a great experience!